Monday, April 20, 2015

Spring's First Forage

The fiddle heads have almost popped up from last year's stems. My four-year-old son, Paddy, and I found them last year in a gully down by the Connecticut River. The gully is made by a culvert that runs under East Street in Easthampton, and last year we found the massive ostrich ferns, fully unfurled and filling in the tiny valley. Soon the furled fiddles will be ready to be picked. I haven't cooked them before so I'm looking forward to see how they taste.

Along the way we also found garlic mustard, good for a bitter pesto that I tame by adding a little sugar, and what I believe is immature watercress growing in a tiny intermittent stream running alongside the Manhan Bike Trail. We couldn't be sure about the watercress so in the end we didn't' eat them; if you can help me identify them, they're the last picture.

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