Wednesday, March 23, 2016

On Break: Lost in a Swamp

I had a short break before some professional development work at school today and I decided to take a walk in the woods. Off trail and just over a tiny creek, I noticed some deciduous trees and,wondering if they might be maples, decided to have a closer look. It was swampy and I had to hop on tufts of grass, but I made it to the trees, and then decided to wiggle my way through some rose bushes to see what was beyond the swampy area. I was hoping to stumble on some morel mushrooms but instead I hiked into a deeper swamp. Too far out to turn back and not wanting to go through the thorny shrubs again, I planned to circle around towards the school but this only led into deeper water. I tried walking on dead logs and more tufts of grass but a log snapped and my foot plunged into the cold water, and I just gave up and waded through the calf-high water and bushwhacked through a thicket, arriving back at the school sopping wet and with no socks (l had wrung them out and placed them in my car window to dry) and just in time to talk with my colleagues about literature.

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